Wednesday, October 30, 2019
History of Education In America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
History of Education In America - Essay Example This division of labor has increased to a point that many people no longer know how to find or process their own foods, and just buy what they need. Despite this there is "cultural lag" (pg. 13) that shows a maladjustment by some parts of society in their educational institutions when changes in technology, for instance, occur. The more conservative and traditional sectors "lag" at these times, unwilling or unable to keep up. There are also problems with misconceptions that arise from misinformation. This type of "lag" can cause people to accept "factual" evidence that is later found to be untrue. (pg 13). The concept that there is empty "space" between the particles of an atom is being rejected by those who study physics today. However, the original concept will remain part of current curriculums until some time in the future, as will many other revised facts. Personal and societal values enter into every culture's form of education, even though they are constantly changing also, according to Ralph Linton, anthropologist. Many communities reject alternate thinking about religions, lifestyles, politics, etc. Today's core values, in America, are considered small by contrast to previous eras due to the complexity of this society. Instead of a predominant religion presiding over a community's affairs, for instance, a quorum has to be considered in order to enact laws that reflect the moral standards - such as those against killing others. So, too, are the opinions of many factions considered by educational institutions before deciding how they will proceed. The subject of corporeal punishment in schools is one that people used to regard as the school's choice but is now considered undesirable, for... The researcher of this essay aims to present an overview of the book by John D. Pulliam and James Van Patten, History of Education in America. From the early Greek teachings to education of modern times, school has been an important facet of any civilized culture. Today’s societal demands are numerous and multicultural as the people of the world get deeper into globalization. To compete in the workplace, to succeed, and to influence the future requires an increasingly complex form of education. Relatively speaking, it has always been this way as cultures of the world have had to interact socially and economically. The better one’s education, the more likely they were to do well in business, and the more opportunities they would have. But in this electronic society of high technology, fast communications and carbon-dating systems, education is a necessity of life, not just an employment tool or a way of achieving status. The solutions of the future will depend on the edu cation of today’s students. Teachers must be able to adapt also and know what the relationships of educational institutions are to society. The â€Å"New Century†finds schools using more standardized measurements of a student’s progress, and state-run data tracking. There is a need for schools to be run more professionally and efficiently. Competing in the world market is requiring a return to bilingualism that has been common in Europe and many other countries. As more of the world becomes democratic, the schools will reflect the values of a democratic society.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A History of Total quality management
A History of Total quality management Total quality management is the integration of all functions and processes within an organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of products and service. Deming defined quality as a never ending cycle of continuous improvement(Allotey, 2003, p.7), Juran defined it as fitness for use (purpose) (Estafanous, Barash, Reves, 2001, p.951). Bearing in mind that TQM is a long term improvement process which requires significant resources. It is also important to realize that TQM is a dynamic process not a static process that is based upon continuous efforts to improve quality. Since there are no deadlines or targets to be met then TQM can never be considered complete which makes it to become a way of life. (Mehra Ranganathan, 2008) During the early years of manufacturing, inspection was used as a tool to decide if a workers job or a product met its requirements. In fact, at that time inspection was not done in a systematic way, yet it worked well when the volume of production was low. However, as organizations became larger and more complicated the need for more effective operations became obvious. (Montogomery, 2001, p.9) In the early 1900s, The Father of Scientific Management Frederick W. Taylor helped to satisfy this need. He proposed a framework for the effective use of people in industrial organizations through his book The Principles of Scientific Management which was republished yet again in 2008. One of his concepts was clearly defined tasks performed under standard conditions. Inspection was one of these tasks and was intended to ensure that no faulty product left the workshop or the factory, it also focuses on the product and detection of problem in the product, and testing every item to ensure that the product match as the requirements or specifications. This process is carried out at the end of the production process and requires specially trained inspectors. The need to performing this process was the reason that led to the emergence of a separate inspection department which resulted in the emergence of defect prevention concept which led to quality control. (Webb Gorman, 2006, P.32) (M ontogomery, 2001) The roots of Total Quality Management can be traced back to the 1920s when Dr W. Shewhart developed the application of statistical methods for the management of quality. He demonstrated that variation in the production process leads to the variation in the product, thus by eliminating the variation of the process a good standard of end product can be achieved. The theory of Statistical Quality Control focuses on the product and detection and control of quality problems that involves testing samples and statistically inferring compliance of all products. This process is carried out throughout the production process and requires trained production people as well as quality control professionals. Towards the end of 1920s the theory was further developed by Dodge, and Romig who developed statistically based acceptance sampling as an alternative to 100% inspection (Webb Gorman, 2006, P.32) (Montogomery, 2001). In 1940s, the quality guru Deming with his peer co-workers Juran and Feigenbaum continued with the improvement of the theory. However, instead of focusing just on quality of products the concept rapidly widened to evolve quality of all issues within an organization i.e. Total Quality Management. (Webb Gorman, 2006, P.32) During the 1950s, many Japanese products were low quality and viewed by the world as junk products. Industrial leaders in Japan recognized this problem and decided to produce high quality products. In fact, Japanese might have not been able to achieve the aim of high quality products unless they had had the help of quality gurus such as Deming, Juran, and Feigenbaum (Soin, 1999, p.1). Deming suggested that this aim could be achieved within just five years. As a matter of fact not many Japanese believed what Deming claimed. However, they followed his suggestion in order not to lose face and because they respected him (Deming, 1995, p.139). In the late 1950s, quality control management developed rapidly and became the main theme of Japanese management. Interestingly, the idea did not stop at the management level. In the early 60s the concept of the quality control circle was first introduced in Japan by K. Ishikawa (Montogomery, 2001, p.10). A quality circle is a group of workers who meet and discuss issues to improve all aspects of workplace and make presentations to management with their ideas for improvement. In this way workers were motivated because they felt that they were involved and listened to (Cole, 1979, p.135). Another advantage was the idea of improving not only the quality of product but also all aspects of organizational issues, which probably was the start of Total Quality. The term Total Quality was first used by Feigenbaum at the first international quality control conference in Tokyo in 1969. (Stephens Juran, 2004, p.77) During the 80s and 90s a new phase of management and quality control began, which became known as Total Quality Management (TQM). Zairi et al (1994) defined TQM as a license to practise. Although there are many other different definitions for TQM yet the concept is still the same. Nowadays, TQM may be called Business Excellence and has a more clearly defined approach (Montogomery, 2001, p.10). Quality movement in Saudi Arabia: Total Quality Management has caught the attention of organizations worldwide ever since its tremendous success in Japan. The term TQM (Total Quality Management) is a management technique in which customer satisfaction is given the prime importance, and the deliverables are made highly acceptable not just through Quality Control techniques but by focussing on the process, encouraging employees to pursue quality and reducing the cost of production. And just like other countries who wish to be world class, organizations in Saudi Arabia are also trying hard to keep up to pace by implementing TQM widely throughout the country. (Al-Sulimani, 1995) In 1973 Saudi Arabia established the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO), an independent organization concerned with implementation of standards, on the local and international levels. It is also responsible for overseeing quality aspects of locally produced products. SASO developed over time and became the most important Saudi organization concerned with formulating and approving national standards for all commodities and products as well as standards for other quality aspects such as metrology, calibration, marking and identification, methods of sampling, inspection and testing. In addition to this it is also responsible for setting the rules for granting certificates of conformity and quality marks and regulation of their issuance and use. During the early 90s the growth of the quality movement in Saudi enlarged and the first non-profit organization (NPO) in the form of Saudi Arabian Quality Council in the Eastern Province was established and was sponsored by Saudi Aramco. In 1994, with the increasing awareness of the importance of Total Quality Management as a powerful tool for improving the work culture Saudi Quality Council (SQC) established its branch in the Western Region of the country with only 4 members however this organization was later transformed into an independent organization that is operating under the sponsorship of Engineering Committee. In the year 2000, this society was renamed to become known as SQC (WR). The mission of this non-profit, nongovernmental society which has operated in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia over 15 years so far is to advance individual and organizational performance excellence through providing opportunities for learning, quality improvement, and knowledge sharing. SQC (WR) started its actions by executing a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the status of quality in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results of the analysis were then utilized to set up long term goals such as making quality a part of Saudi corporate Culture as well as setting short term goals for SQC (WR). King Abdulaziz Quality Award (KAQA): Since its establishment SQC (WR) has managed to organize 150 meetings with a quality theme and has had the participation of over than 7000 quality experts and more than 1700 members from different walks of life in its activities with Healthcare, Education, Construction and Engineering and Business Excellence Interest Groups. SQC (WR) also contributed in establishing and formulating the King Abdulaziz Quality Award (KAQA), a prestigious National Quality Award in Saudi Arabia that intends to maximize quality, efficiency and productivity in different sectors within the kingdom (Al-Amri, 2010). The award was approved in the year 2000 and has the objectives of: Increasing awareness of quality and the importance of its application. Motivating and gently pushing public as well as private sectors to adopt and apply the principles of (TQM). Increasing the quality in the production and services sectors to enhance their competitiveness in the global markets Improving organizational leadership to achieve the total quality management objectives and fulfil their responsibilities Ensuring Continuous improvement in the performance of all production and services processes Encouraging organizations commitments to national and international standards Awarding organizations which achieve the highest level of quality Increasing organizations participation in building and serving the society Building strong relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and investors to satisfy them and gain their loyalty by applying the best methodology that help determine and deliver their requirements needs and expectations. Establishing a database for the King Abdul Aziz Quality Award Adopting quality strategic planning in order to set business plans and objectives and methods for implementation Training and developing the national workforce and creating a better work environment and improving the efficiency and technical skills of employees to enhance quality Making use of all available national resources to support operational and economic performance on the organizational level and on the national level Measuring performance level in different business areas and comparing it with the performance level of competitors and measuring results improvement Communicating the leading Saudi experiences in regards to quality and to make use of these experiences, and increasing the number of quality experts. (KAQA, no date supplied) According to Al-Amri (2010) the year 2008-2009 will always be remembered as a Year of Quality in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the great achievements that were achieved by the quality movement starting with the introduction and administration of (KAQA). However, without sustainability TQM initiatives usually fail because the main idea behind TQM is continuity over time and integration of quality management initiatives into daily organizational operations (Curry Kadasah, 2002).In support of this further Al-Turki Andijani, (1997) insist on the need for more programmes to be adopted in order to increase awareness of the importance of continuous improvement in Saudi organizations. Work Culture There has been an increasing awareness in Saudi on the importance of Total Quality management as a powerful tool for improving the work culture (Najeh Kara-Zairi, 2007) (Al-Turki Andijani, 1997). Lack of understanding about the concept of TQM by employees, limitation of information available on TQM, lack of support from senior management, focus on quick profit, and lack of documented policies and procedures appear to the author to be factors that hinder the implementation of TQM in Saudi organizations. In support of this (Ahmed Tannock, 2008) have highlighted the limited progress which has been made in quality management development in Arabic-speaking countries. People from different countries often do things differently according to their culture. Furthermore, the culture of the same country differs from one region to another and that individuals of the same culture have different beliefs and behaviours. One way to express these variations in behaviour is the idea of culture (Treven, Mulej, Lynn, 2008), referring to this Al-Sulimani (1995) mentions the difficulties and challenges of implementing the concept of Total quality management in Saudi because of the multinational workforce which is estimated to represent 60 per cent of the total labour force of Saudi Arabia (Woodworth Said, 1996). On the other hand he also argues that a workforce with experienced foreigners should improve the knowledge of the Saudi workforce. Hofstedes five Cultural Dimensions: According to Hofstede (2009) Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster. (To be completed) Power distance index (PDI): This dimension represents the extent to which the less powerful member of organizations accepts and expects unequal distribution of power and wealth. The Geert Hofstede analysis of this dimension for the Arab word including Saudi Arabia suggests a large power distance in that region, a score of 80 was recorded for this dimension see figure (1). This is according to Hofstede due to the fact that Arab societies follow a caste system that disables any significant upward mobility of its citizens. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI): This dimension indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either comfortable or uncomfortable in unstructured situations. The Hofstede analysis of this dimension for the Arab word including Saudi Arabia suggests that Arab societies are highly rule-oriented with laws, rules, regulations, and controls to increase the amount of certainty. Individualism (IDV): This dimension represents the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. The Hofstede analysis of this dimension for the Arab word including Saudi Arabia suggests that the Arab society tends to be collectivist society. The score recorded for this dimension is 38, which is considerably less than the world average ranking of 64. Masculinity (MAS): This dimension represents the distribution of roles between the genders. The Hofstede analysis of this dimension for the Arab word including Saudi Arabia suggests that women in the Arab countries are limited in their rights due to Muslim religion not due to cultural paradigm see figure (1). Long-Term Orientation (LTO): This dimension is said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth. This dimension has not been applied to the Arab word. Hofstede does not report any results for Arab countries in relation to long and verses short term orientation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Red-Eared Sliders Essay --
Introduction: Invasive species are crawling to places they shouldn’t be, making the world react in a dramatic way. It can be passed throughout a number of ways: by All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), canals and changes to waterways, gardening and landscaping, transportation of animal carcasses and raw wood, along with other items. The Red-Eared Slider travels by another unique way to become an invasive species: being dumped by pet owners. Since this happens so frequently, the Red-Eared Slider is on the 100 of the World’s Worst Invasive Species List. Place of Origin (How it arrived): The Red-eared slider is an invasive turtle species with a large pet fanbase. It’s originating from the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, and the southeastern corner of the United States . This popularity of this animal, which are usually brought overseas, and placed in pet stores have its consequences. This invasive species is usually dumped by pet owners who are misinformed on the Red-eared slider and dislikes the attributes that it has (That it can grow to the size of a dinner plate and they bite). Areas Found: The red-eared slider has been dumped and stranded throughout the world. Just a few of the places where the invasive species is found is Australia, Europe, Israel, South Africa, Guam, Canada and the Carribean. The Red-eared Slider inhabit areas with still, warm water, like ponds, lakes, swaps, creeks, streams, and slow-flowing rivers. The invasive species is throughout the world, which makes it highly dangerous with fighting native turtles for the perfect area and habitat for them. Description of Species: The Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) is a semi-aquatic turtle belonging the the Emydidae family. They are titled the Re... ...turtles, such as Little RES Q. People dump their Red-Eared Sliders daily, and makes the Red-Eared Sliders go up more and more on the 100 Worst Invasive Species List. Works Cited
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Clare and Irene Essay
With an African American man running for president, the United States has been more focused on race in the last year than any time in the last several decades, but much of the focus has been on the concept that race doesn’t matter. For the characters in Nella Larsen’s â€Å"Passing†, race was everything and although race relations have improve since 1929 when the book was published, it is impossible to believe that race is not still a major factor in the development of personal identity and in social interactions. In the novel, Clare and Irene choose different paths because of their race and in spite of it. Clare hides her past, and her heritage, â€Å"passing for white†while Irene remains a part of the black community of Harlem. Perhaps because of her own mixed ethnicity, Larsen is able to tell the story from the viewpoint of both women, both ashamed and confused by the impact that their race has on their lives. Clare spends much of the book trying to hide her heritage and Irene revels in hers. Had Larsen written at a different time, she might have had Clare suffer some grand cosmic punishment for her deception, but in â€Å"Passing’ it is more Irene who suffers for her choice. Because she remains a part of the black community, she suffers discrimination and humiliation that would have been spared a white woman. The most interesting facet of this novel is that it still enlightens us today about the impact of race on personal identity. Michael Jackson has long been the brunt of many jokes with tabloid speculation that he was lightening his skin, trying to become more white. On the other side of the argument, many African Americans, especially in the rap recording industry, try to make themselves more racially separated than they truly are. This is even true in the race for the White House as every time Barack Obama’s race is mentioned, someone takes great care to point out that his father was an African, not a black American. The underlying tone of the racism in American society today is well-reflect in Larson’s novel. Much like Clare and Irene, America today is not acknowledging its racial history and how that impacts the way people think and act. The hardest part for Clare and Irene comes in the discovery that Clare has been â€Å"passing†as white. Once she is discovered, she is brutalized by fellow African Americans who think they are giving her what she deserves because she has tried to put on airs and act white. She is assumed guilty of any number of other crimes because she lied about her ethnicity and Irene, who often was jealous of the decision that Clare made, feels that she should do nothing to stop the prejudice on both sides because Clare made the decision to try passing. Historically speaking, the idea of â€Å"passing†is made much more poignant when we recall Plessey v. Ferguson in which a quadroon man, one quarter black but capable of passing for white, challenged the laws about a white only railroad car. He was convicted and the court went all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled, at that time (1896) , that any African blood made you black, whether you could pass for Caucasian or not. Obviously, Larsen understood this ruling and its impact on her own life and the life of her fellow citizens of Harlem.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Impacts of Total Productive Maintenance Essay
But there are some companies who have failed to gain advantage and some who are skeptic about its implementation. This leads us to know more about how TPM impacts different components of different organizations. This article focuses on some components such as overall effectiveness and cultural impacts of TPM on an organization. It concludes in building and maintaining a supportive culture and how overall effective helps in gaining a competitive edge over a long period of time. Any organization want to chase in world class competition must give customer satisfaction by providing reliable product or service on time at lower prize then others. One of the premises is that good maintenance and plant engineering process gives fundamental success in manufacturing (Hanson, 1995; Madu 2000). So the organization must reduce the unnecessary cost of time and material by reducing maintenance cost. And to reduce the maintenance cost is one of the reason to develop manufacturing technology like TPM (total productive maintenance). TPM is introduced by Seiici Nakajima in late 1970s in Japan, which made major influence over the economic progress of Japanese manufacturers (Willmott, 1994). TPM is basically a program to improve maintenance effectiveness of equipment throughout its life in the organization by the participation and motivation of all workforces from top management to the line employee from all department of an organization (Nakajima, 1988). The main goal of TPM to achieve maximum productivity with only limited investment in maintenance. This goal can be achieve by increase the overall equipment effectiveness(OEE) by reducing the losses, by improving existing maintenance system, by implementing autonomous maintenance and by increase a skill and motivation of operators from individual and group development (Willmott, 1994). And also by proper maintenance of equipment and facilities for best performance in order to reduce their life cycle cost. One of the properties of TPM is that production operators assist to repair the equipments when it is down and thus they share their effort in preventive maintenance and in turns improvement in process (Jostes & Helms. 994) In this term paper we focus on impacts of TPM. Many companies such Steelcase, Tennessee Eastman(Garwood, 1990), Nissan(Suzuki, 1993) adopted TPM are satisfied with the technique and find significant reduction in break down labor rates, lost of production, setup cost and cost per maintenance unit(Koelsch, 1993). TPM helps to planned and controlled the maintenan ce expanse(Adair-Heely, 1989) and reduction in maintenance force. For example a person who pays for preventive works are no more needed after implementing TPM, because TPM terns all activities of PM works to production forces. TPM gives opportunity to all individuals to express idea to improve the process and become a more familiar with tools and techniques to solve the problems and this effect directly to the capability of organization. TPM also helps to maintain consistency in quality of the product as well as reliability of product, the things that expect from the customer which interns helps to satisfy the customer. The basic aims of TPM is to double productivity and eliminate the loses, to create bright, clean and pleasant factory, to empower people and facilities and, through them, the organization itself (Wireman, 1991).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Booker T Washington
that constitutes the Atlanta Exposition Address. I know that as a Christians we are supposed to turn... Free Essays on Booker T Washington Free Essays on Booker T Washington Booker T Washington a very well respected scholar of the African American community was definitely an advocate for the education of the Negro race. While making it evident that education was a necessity to survive, he also made it very clear that he agreed with the â€Å"white man†that Negro’s has a certain place in society, and that, that place was not equal to the â€Å"White Man’s†place. In the eyes of Washington this was perfectly okay because while the Negro race stayed in its place it would slowly begin to build its own economy and completely separate from the â€Å"white†economy. Satisfying the belief that Negro’s should go back to Africa, without actually going to Africa. This ideal is partially revealed in Washington’s â€Å"Atlanta Exposition Address.†In this speech Washington tells the negros and whites to cast down their buckets and get to know their neighbor of the opposite race. In my opinion that was impossible back then. For the simple fact that whites did not agree with the idea of blacks being free therefore there is no way in the world that they would embrace or except the idea of blacks being their next door neighbor. Further Washington states to the whites that if they make an effort to deal with the negros â€Å"then they can be sure that in the future just as it was in the past; that they (whites) would be surrounded by the most patient, faithful, law-abiding and non-resentful people that the world has seen.†There is no doubt that those were very powerful words. Personally I think that those are words of a coward or a person who wishes to please everyone and that cannot always be done. I definitely agree that everyone should have the opportunity to be educated. But knowing what I have learned about slavery and racism I do not understand how Washington could say, better yet believe the words that constitutes the Atlanta Exposition Address. I know that as a Christians we are supposed to turn...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Characteristics of an Amateur Dectective Essays
The Characteristics of an Amateur Dectective Essays The Characteristics of an Amateur Dectective Essay The Characteristics of an Amateur Dectective Essay The Characteristics of a Armature Detective Why are we so fascinated with detective fiction? Is it because we are simply interested in the crimes themselves? Or is it because we are drawn to the characters within the stories that have characteristics that we desperately wish we could portray ourselves. The armature detective is one that we follow more often and have characteristics that pull us in more. As said in The Longing Anthology of Detective Fiction they may be armatures, but they triumph over the professionals and discover the criminal. They pursue the truth with courage and tenacity, often at the risk of their own lives. In these detectives can be found the best of human qualities: a genuine concern for other and that Justice must prevail. (Mansfield-Kelly. 26). The armature detective is the underdog that we all root for. There are two different types of armature detectives; the armature-armature and the professional armature. The armature-armature detective described in The Longing Anthology of Detective Fiction as the elegant aristocrat who pursues crime for a hobby. (Mansfield-Kelly. ) the professional detective is described as doctors and lawyer and other career professions that allow the detective to fall into the crime but their profession allows them to have an upper hand on the law enforcement and solve the crime. Detective Lord Peter Whimsy and Deborah Knott are two completely different amateur detectives. Lord Peter Whimsy is more an amateur-amateur detective considering the fact that his career has nothi ng to do with criminal Justice and in the story the hunted police man, it was only by coincidence that he fell upon the mystery. On the other hand you have Deborah Knott who is a lawyer and solves crimes for a living. What brings these two different detectives together is that they both share a characteristic of an amateur detective. They often blunder into situations that are unforeseen or unexpected. (Mansfield-Kelly, 26). Though Deborah Knott is a lawyer and deals with murder and crime on a daily basis, the crime she fell upon one Sunday afternoon was much unexpected. In Margaret Morons Deborah Judgment Deborah Knott is going over to a family members house for dinner after church one Sunday when she shocked to find her uncle laying shot on the floor and her aunt dead outside. In Dorothy L. Assayers the haunted police man lord Peter Whimsy, who has Just witnessed the birth of his first child, is having a drink at a bar when walks in a policeman who appears to be shaken up. The men share a few drinks and the police men begins to tell Lord Peter Whimsy about a so called murder he Just witnessed. Though the two are very different kinds of amateur detectives they still share some similar characteristic. Another similarity that these two share can also show how they differentiate from one another. They are often eccentric, but each possesses his or her own particular type of intelligence. (Mansfield-Kelly. 26). The two detective are both very intelligent but each detective has a different kind of intelligence. In the story the Haunted Policeman lord Peter Whimsy solves the case just by simply listening to the drunken officer tell his story. And also with his backgroun d. Being an aristocrat Whimsy enjoys obtaining knowledge and looking at Deborah Knott takes a different approach. Deborah Knott I a very intelligent women and a very successful lawyer. Though she does look at the facts of her case she tends to be more street smart than book smart. Instead of finder her answers in a book she does some digging and isnt afraid to get her hands dirty when getting to the bottom of a case. Not only are these two detectives different but their differences are what make them similar. A similarity that they both share is their interest in the crime. Their interest in the crime is generated because of a friend, a relative, someone associated with the crime, or because or sheer curiosity or the need for intellectual stimulation. (Mansfield-Kelly. 26). They both fall into this characteristic. Deborah Knots interest in the crime was driving by the fact that it was her family that was involved in the murder. While Lord Peter Whimsy fell into the case by pure coincidence and the need for amusement. Both Deborah Knott and Lord Peter Whimsy are brilliant armature detectives. Even though one is an armature-armature and the other is a professional de tective they both share qualities that bring them OTOH into the same category.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Find Ideas for Enterprise Stories in Your Hometown
Find Ideas for Enterprise Stories in Your Hometown Enterprise reporting involves a reporter digging up stories based on his or her own observation and investigation. These stories typically arent based on a press release or a news conference, but on the reporter carefully watching for changes or trends on his beat, things that often fall under the radar because theyre not always obvious. For instance, lets say youre the police reporter for a small-town paper and over time you notice that arrests of high school students for possession of cocaine are increasing. So you talk to your sources in the police department, along with school counselors, students, and parents, and come up with a story about how more high school kids are using cocaine in your town because some big-time dealers from the nearest big city are moving into your area. Again, thats not a story based on someone holding a press conference. Its a story that the reporter dug up on his own, and, like many enterprise stories, its important. (Enterprise reporting is really just another word for investigative reporting, by the way.) So here are some ways you can find ideas for enterprise stories in various beats. Crime and Law Enforcement Talk to a police officer or detective at your local police department. Ask them what trends theyve noticed in crime over the last six months or year. Are homicides up? Armed robberies down? Are local business facing a rash or burglaries? Get statistics and perspective from the police on why they think the trend is occurring, then interview those affected by such crimes and write a story based on your reporting. Local Schools Interview a member of your local school board. Ask them whats happening with the school district in terms of test scores, graduation rates, and budget issues. Are test scores up or down? Has the percentage of high school grads going on to college changed much in recent years? Does the district have adequate funds to meet the needs of students and teachers or are programs having to be cut due to budget constraints?​ Local Government Interview your local mayor or a member of the city council. Ask them how the town is doing, financially and otherwise. Does the town have enough revenue to maintain services or are some departments and programs facing cutbacks? And are the cuts simply a matter of trimming fat or are important services - like police and fire, for instance - also facing cuts? Get a copy of the towns budget to see the numbers. Interview someone on the city council or town board about the figures. Business and the Economy  Interview some local small business owners to see how theyre faring. Is business up or down? Are mom-and-pop businesses being hurt by shopping malls and big-box department stores? How many small businesses on Main Street have been forced to close in recent years? Ask local merchants what it takes to maintain a profitable small business in your town. Environment Interview someone from the nearest regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency. Find out if local factories are operating cleanly or polluting your communitys air, land or water. Are there any Superfund sites in your town? Seek out local environmental groups to find out whats being done to clean up polluted areas.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
American History, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
American History, - Essay Example Its vitriolic language and common approach differed from the existing political writings, which were often considered elitist, and gave Common Sense a wider mass appeal. After 25 editions, it sold thousands of copies and is credited for tipping the scale in the move towards independence (Henretta, Brody, and Dumenil, 181) Richard H. Lee, American patriot, had been a delegate from Virginia to the Continental Congress in September 1774. At this time he and Patrick Henry were joined by others to argue against the Coercive Acts, which had severely limited shipping in Boston in a response to the Boston Tea Party. In June 1776, with the pamphlet Common Sense reaching mass popularity, Richard Henry Lee introduced a congressional resolution calling for independence from England. Sensing impending defeat Loyalists and many moderates withdrew from the Congress. This was the beginning of the Patriots' formal declaration for independence and the move towards the war. Samuel Adams was a staunch Patriot who had gained the notoriety and experience during the Seven Years War that would later place him in a place of prominence. He led a revolt against the Townsend Acts in 1765, which taxed tea, paper, and other miscellaneous items. He was instrumental in establishing the Committee of Correspondence in Boston in 1772 (Henretta, Brody, and Demenil, 151). He became the leader of the radicals in Boston while organizing action against the monarchy (Nash et al., 179). In 1774, as a delegate from Massachusetts, he joined Richard Lee and Patrick Henry in their fight against the Coercive Acts in the Continental Congress. After the Revolutionary War, Adams helped draft the Massachusetts Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. He would later become the acting Governor of Massachusetts. John Peter Zenger John Peter Zenger was a printer and journalist that advocated and promoted the freedom of the press. Faced with corruption and tyranny in the colonies, a newspaper, the New-York Weekly Journal, was published by Zenger to expose the actions of Governor William Cosby of New York. Zenger was arrested for seditious libel and defended by a Philadelphia Lawyer hired by Zenger's supporters. Zenger claimed he was merely printing the facts and informing the public. Zenger was acquitted and the idea of the free press began to gain more popularity and would eventually rise to a significant part of American democracy. Bacon's Rebellion By 1675, the Chesapeake colonies were facing limited land and resources due to agreements with the Indian tribes. There was a need for more land as more settlers arrived in the New World. Nathaniel Bacon, joined by slaves and ex-slaves, brutally waged war against the native populations. Governor Berkeley who called for the arrest of Bacon denounced these attacks. This began a series of skirmishes and battles between Bacon's men and Berkeley's troops known as Bacon's Rebellion. It continued through 1677 involving 1000 British troops and resulted in the destruction of Jamestown (Nash et al., 84,86). Bacon's Rebellion was a sign of events to come as it pointed out the necessity of acquiring Indian land with the arrival of the new immigrants. The Great Awakening The Great Awakenin
Friday, October 18, 2019
Western civilization class assignment (about 20th centrury)
Western civilization class (about 20th centrury) - Assignment Example iii) During the war, it happened that African Americans, women, and the Mexican Americans were able to find new opportunities in the industry. However, the Japanese who were living on the Pacific coast relocated to internment camps. According to Robert (143), the difference in the Allie’s visions of postwar Europe had a basis on the divergent intentions of each country that was involved. The Soviet Union intended to make Europe communistic. In this way, it would be easier for her to rule Europe. However, this was not possible as it portrayed a lust for power on the Soviet Union’s side. The United Kingdom also wanted the USA and Europe to cooperate with its ideas and policies but, again, this was not possible. Moreover, France wanted Europe to be free from the USA as was portrayed in her bid to establish the European Union. The result of these differences was the emergence of the Cold War, for instance, between the USA and the Soviet Union in their bid to have control over Europe. The Cold War saw countries like China and Japan getting closer to the Western countries to avoid the war-pact Soviet Union and its allies (Robert, 167). The independence of the European colonies came from the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. There was a creation of new countries during this period with some full of natural resources while others desperately poor. This change led to the loss of interest in these nations by their European colonizers. The Cold War complicated the US support for decolonization though it continued with the war to prevent Soviet Union’s domination in Europe. All the US’ European allies believed that after their recovery from WW II, their colonies would provide markets and raw materials for the growth of Europe’s economy. However, the American government’s intention clearly showed that it was on the opinion of letting the colonies slip away. This factor
Impact of Data Warehousing and OLAP Models on Management Accounting Thesis
Impact of Data Warehousing and OLAP Models on Management Accounting - Thesis Example The use of OLAP and BI tools enable the management accountants to acquire accurate information about all departments. With these tools, a management accountant can draw ideas from the previous happenings of the organization even without much knowledge about the external factors that would lead to collapse of the organization. Owing to these facts, this research work has conducted an in-depth analysis of the impact of OLAP and data warehousing on management accounting. This research work has used the quantitative method of data collection to get opinion from 25 participants from various organizations. The questionnaire has been divided into six sections. The research model has been based on these questions and selected control variables. Statistical analyses in SPSS have been performed on the quantitative data collected to identify the influence of the independent and control variables on the main dependent variable. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis have been conducted to study the relation between the variables. Based on the analyses it has been found that the factors like familiarity of the organization about OLAP, expertise level and compatibility of accounts department staff, the OLAP cube structure, availability of skilled personnel and the documentation of BRS have major influence on the choice and implementation of OLAP. In addition, the implementation of OLAP is found to have major impact on management accounting procedures leading to improved decision making business strategies.... o 14 2 Identification of research problem 15 3 Main research question and Hypotheses 17 4 Aim and Objectives of the Research 18 5 Methodology of research 18 6 Structure of the research 20 Chapter 2 – Literature Review 21-36 2.1. The Traditional Accountant 21 2.2. Challenges faced by The Traditional Accountant 22 2.3. Transition of role 23 2.4. The Data Marts 24 2.5. Introduction to OLAP 25 2.6. OLAP models 26 2.6.1. Data analysis in OLAP 26 2.6.2. OLAP components 26 2.7. The role of OLAP 30 2.8. Mapping the BI 30 2.9. Database Design 32 2.10. Warehouse Management 33 2.11. Challenges and implications of BI tools 35 2.12. Chapter summary 36 Chapter 3 - Theory and Hypotheses 37-51 3.1. Foundation of the study 37 3.2. Familiarity of Organizations 37 3.3. Planning of organizations for OLAP 41 3.4. Changes in other departments and OLAP 43 3.5. Compatibility of management accountants with OLAP 45 3.6. Contribution of OLAP to business strategy 47 3.7. Contribution of OLAP to accountin g 50 3.8. Chapter summary 51 Chapter 4 – Research Framework 52-87 4.1. Research methods 52 4.1.1. Survey Research methods 54 4.1.2. Qualitative survey method 54 4.1.3. Quantitative survey method 56 4.2. Sample selection 58 4.3. Data Collection 59 4.4. The Research Model 64 4.4.1. Identification of variables 65 4.4.2. Dependent variable 65 4.4.3. Independent variables 65 4.4.4. Control variables 68 4.5. Research model with variables 70 4.6. Diagnostic tests and issues 72 4.6.1. Descriptive Statistics 73 4.6.2. Inferential Statistics 74 4.7. Overview of SPSS 76 4.7.1. Algorithms supported in SPSS 78 4.7.2. SPSS modeling 78 4.8. Statistical analyses in SPSS 79 4.8.1. Data preparation for SPSS analysis 79 4.8.2. Bivariate and Multivariate Analyses 80 4.8.3. Correlation in SPSS 83 4.8.4. Regression
Staffing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Staffing - Assignment Example In general, staffing can be said to include several processes such as work force forecasting, work force planning, and appropriate strategizing. Staffing is also concern with placing of existing work force; relocating and relocating people based on the company’s needs, tasks of an individual, the projects related to the activities of the company and the appropriate professional skills of a worker. The actual staffing process starts by the staffing companies taking efforts in studying the job requirements and specifications of their client. It is the role of the business to understand the organization’s culture before attempting in invitations of those candidates seeking the job, interviewing the candidates, and making follow up concerning their references and other appropriate details. The final process is presenting the job seekers who qualify the interviews and found by the staffing company to possess appropriate qualities for the job. Staffing can be permanent or temporary, with temporary staffing the group in the company involved in the process forms a co-employment relationship in combination with clients this is normally achieved through taking responsibilities for the agreed company’s issues. The permanent staffing, on the other hand, undertakes other roles, in addition to recruitment permission related, to permanent fulfillments for the positions, which are open to individuals wishing to go for the job. Providing companies with candidates are usually achieved by the staffing companies, the aspects in which the companies as provided with include direct hire basis, contract and contract to high. The thorough process of interview usually enables the appropriate solutions and processes effective. Resources for learning and understanding the business, its environment, staffing needs, products and services are usually availed by the staffing company. By working out the basic
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compensation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Compensation - Case Study Example Under the skill factor, the cashier scores two points for experience and ability. Under supervisory, the Cashier scores 2 for fiscal and supervisory responsibilities. Under effort, the cashier scores 2 for physical effort and 3 for mental effort. Under working conditions, the cashier scores 2 for each of the categories. Total points scored are 21 out of 30. Job C: Prepared Food Manager The prepared food manger has executive management roles. The Manager is responsible for the prepared food department. Under skill factor, the manager scores 3 for each of the categories thus experience, education and ability. Under responsibility, the manager scores 3 for fiscal responsibility and 3 for supervisory responsibility. Under mental and physical effort, the manger scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 2 for each location, hazard and extreme environment categories. Total score is 26 out of 30. Job D: Back Room Shift Supervisor The shift supervisor is respon sible for supervisory functions during shifts. The shift supervisor scores 3 for education and ability and 2 for experience. Under responsibility, the supervisor scores 1 for fiscal responsibility functions and 3 for supervisory function. Similarly, he scores 2 for location, hazard and extreme environment categories respectively. ... The shift supervisor scores 3 for education and ability and 2 for experience. Under responsibility, the supervisor scores 1 for fiscal responsibility function and 3 for supervisory function. Similarly, he scores 2 for location, hazard and extreme environment categories respectively. Total score is 23 out of thirty. Job G: Prepared Food Department Assistant Manger The prepared food assistant manger has management roles. The assistant manger is responsible for the prepared food department. Under skill factor, the manger scores 3 for each of each of the categories of Experience, education and ability. Under responsibility, the manager scores 2 for fiscal responsibility and 3 for supervisory responsibility. Under mental and physical effort, the manger scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 2 for each location, hazard and extreme environment categories. Total score is 25 out of 30. Job H: Store Manager The stores manager rotates among stores offering man agerial assistants to the store team leaders. Under skill factor, the store manager scores 3 for experience, education and ability. In responsibility function the manger scores 3 for the both fiscal and supervisory function. Under mental and physical effort, the manager scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 3 for each location, 2 for hazard and extreme and 2 for environment categories. Total score is 27 out of 30. Job I: Back room Staff He does cleaning duties at the back room. He scores 1 for education, 2 for ability and 1 for experience. Scores zero for fiscal and supervisory responsibilities. He scores 3 for location, hazard and extreme
Physiology Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Physiology Presentation - Essay Example Chyme travels to small intestine, where the pH is alkaline to activate enzymes for breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, liver secretes bile for the emulsification of fat, while pancreas secrete insulin and glucagon for controlling blood sugar level converting from chyme to chyle. Numerous microvilli of the small intestine, lined by blood vessels absorbs the food as now it is in simpler forms namely monosaccharide, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerols. The refuse moves to large intestine (water absorption takes place) for expulsion. Respiration is done through nose, pharynx, trachea, bronchia, bronchioles and alveoli. It encompasses exchange of oxygen and carbon-di-oxide in lungs converting the deoxygenated blood collected by veins to oxygenated blood to be circulated back to body tissues through arteries. The exchange of gases mainly takes place in alveoli and in capillaries of numerous tissues. Blood vascular system plays an imperative role in transporting food as well a s oxygen to all the body parts and eliminating carbon-di-oxide from each tissue.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Compensation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Compensation - Case Study Example Under the skill factor, the cashier scores two points for experience and ability. Under supervisory, the Cashier scores 2 for fiscal and supervisory responsibilities. Under effort, the cashier scores 2 for physical effort and 3 for mental effort. Under working conditions, the cashier scores 2 for each of the categories. Total points scored are 21 out of 30. Job C: Prepared Food Manager The prepared food manger has executive management roles. The Manager is responsible for the prepared food department. Under skill factor, the manager scores 3 for each of the categories thus experience, education and ability. Under responsibility, the manager scores 3 for fiscal responsibility and 3 for supervisory responsibility. Under mental and physical effort, the manger scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 2 for each location, hazard and extreme environment categories. Total score is 26 out of 30. Job D: Back Room Shift Supervisor The shift supervisor is respon sible for supervisory functions during shifts. The shift supervisor scores 3 for education and ability and 2 for experience. Under responsibility, the supervisor scores 1 for fiscal responsibility functions and 3 for supervisory function. Similarly, he scores 2 for location, hazard and extreme environment categories respectively. ... The shift supervisor scores 3 for education and ability and 2 for experience. Under responsibility, the supervisor scores 1 for fiscal responsibility function and 3 for supervisory function. Similarly, he scores 2 for location, hazard and extreme environment categories respectively. Total score is 23 out of thirty. Job G: Prepared Food Department Assistant Manger The prepared food assistant manger has management roles. The assistant manger is responsible for the prepared food department. Under skill factor, the manger scores 3 for each of each of the categories of Experience, education and ability. Under responsibility, the manager scores 2 for fiscal responsibility and 3 for supervisory responsibility. Under mental and physical effort, the manger scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 2 for each location, hazard and extreme environment categories. Total score is 25 out of 30. Job H: Store Manager The stores manager rotates among stores offering man agerial assistants to the store team leaders. Under skill factor, the store manager scores 3 for experience, education and ability. In responsibility function the manger scores 3 for the both fiscal and supervisory function. Under mental and physical effort, the manager scores 3 and 2 respectively. Under working conditions, the manager scores 3 for each location, 2 for hazard and extreme and 2 for environment categories. Total score is 27 out of 30. Job I: Back room Staff He does cleaning duties at the back room. He scores 1 for education, 2 for ability and 1 for experience. Scores zero for fiscal and supervisory responsibilities. He scores 3 for location, hazard and extreme
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Essay - 1
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) - Essay Example SHRM is regarded as an approach to the management of human resources, which offer a strategic system in support of long-term business objectives, goals, and outcomes. SHRM entails long-term issues of the people within the organization which include structure, culture, quality, commitment, values, and matching resources with the future needs. Strategic human resource management is a complex endeavor that evolves over time (Nankervis et al., 2008). The opinions regarding the relationships of SHRM with business strategy and planning are varied from one scholar to another. This paper will explore the issue of SHRM as it relates to health services organization. Just like other organizations, health service organizations are under great pressure from customers to maintain quality as well as pressure from other organizations. This changing business environment through competition calls for advanced strategic approaches. In the case of John Hopkins hospital, which falls under health service organizations, the issue of SHRM has been adequately considered. The organization has been steadfast in addressing employee issues through training and development, motivation, leadership, and rewards system. The organization is much aware on the importance of SHRM through prioritization of employee needs (Schulz & Johnson, 2003). In aligning the organizations to SHRM, several strategies have been put in place. The main issue of concern is that SHRM entails the prioritization of the needs of human resources in the organization. Some of the factors put into consideration in positioning the organization include investment in the people. Since human resources play a fundamental role in the organization, training and development is a key issue. Introduction and encouragement of learning and development to the employees is a strategic move of increasing employee efficiency. Strategic human resource management by educating employees is essential for increasing capability. Learning process helps in aligning employees with skills to address the organizational needs. Training and development of employees is a strategic move in HRM, which positions the employees for dealing with all production requirements of the organization (Brand & Bax, 2002). Health service organizations seeking to strategize their human resources need to align their human resource capacity with the organization’s vision and mission. Development of intellectual capital of the employees is essential in SHRM. By educating employees and increasing their intellectual capital, an organization is able to benefit from realization of its goals. This is mainly on the aspect of customer service and quality, whereby the employees are empowered with skills and knowledge of dealing with day to day organizational operations (Fegley, 2006). Another aspect of strategic human resource management is the definition of required behaviors and alignment with the organizational culture. It is essential to note that that establishment of a good organizational culture helps in enhancing human capital and performance. Managers should be steadfast in setting organizational standards, which match the vision and mission of the organization. This includes the setting of values and norms which every member of the organizati
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Hilton Hhonors Loyalty Scheme Marketing Essay
The Hilton Hhonors Loyalty Scheme Marketing Essay This is an analytical study assessing Customer Relationship Management through the Hilton Hotels Loyalty scheme Hilton HHonors. This paper will give a thorough literature review on relationship marketing, a case study on Hilton Hotel loyalty scheme and within this, a framework of the brands role; position in the organization and the market will be discussed. Winer, (2001) customer relationship management framework will be used to analyze the Hilton HHonors scheme to which the nature of the difficulties and effectiveness will be covered as well. This paper will end with possible suggestions regarding the effectiveness of the Loyalty scheme. LITERATURE REVIEW There are several scholarly definitions of relationship marketing and (Shani and Chalasani, 1992) define it as a combined effort to maintain, identify and build up a linkage with separate customers and to continue to fortify the linkage for the common benefit of both sides, via interactive, one to one and value added contacts over a stretched out period of time. While (Gronroos,1990) described relationship marketing to be the establishing , maintaining, enhancing and commercializing of customer relationship so that the distinct purpose of the parties concerned are met which is done by a common exchange and fulfilment of agreements. This definition tries to encompass both the relational and transactional qualities of marketing. These two descriptions differ somehow but they both signify that relationship marketing centres on the individual customer and seller relationship and states that they both benefit. Plus the nature of the relationship is longitudinal. Moreover, they both indica te that the core of relationship marketing is on customer retention. On the other hand (Morgan and Hunt,1994), argue that relationship marketing represents all marketing activates destined towards launching, improving and preserving successful relational give and take or exchange. Taking into record that relational exchanges and transactional exchanges differ. From this definition relationship marketing is marketing plus Morgan and Hunt have as a result re described marketing and extended a paradigm shift. It is key for organisations to assess customer relationship stages (Figure 1.0) in order to evaluate the need for investment to make these customers move up the relationship ladder (Dwyer, Shurr and Oh, 1987, Kotler and Dubois, 2000) and turn out to be more profitable, or better implicit for cross-selling and offer them with personalized services establishing higher bond and switching cost. Suspects Prospects First-time Repeat Client Advocate Member Partner Customers Customers Traditional Marketing- Relationship Marketing- Figure 1.0.The relationship ladder: (Egan, 2001: p.59) However, marketing relationship is a give and take relationship parallel to intimate relationship (Clark 1984; Clark and Mills 1979; Kollock, Blumstein and Schwartz 1994). Each party involved in an exchange relationship provide value measurable to those received. Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty Relationship marketing recognises that a steady customer base is essential in business. The crux and feature of relationships and their business vale is summarized in the notion of customer loyalty and its correlated literature. The advantage of customer loyalty to a supplier of either which ever product or services, consist of enhanced organisational productivity or effectiveness, moderate expenditure on bringing together new customers and decreased customer price vulnerability.(Rowley, 2005) Although customers may show their loyalty in numerous ways; they may decide to remain with a supplier or provider, if this prolongation is described as relationship or not, or customers may escalate the amount of purchases or the regularity of their purchases or possibly both. Customers may become advocates of the brand or organization involved by performing an influential role in the decisions of others. (Hallowell, 1996; Reicheld et al, 2000). Even though there is substantial progress in the loyalty scheme. There has been an extensive argument about the benefit of loyalty schemes, to either customers or businesses. Certainly many have affirmed that such schemes have been unsuccessful (Divett et al, 2003; Worthington, 2000). Byrom, (2001) debated that with many organisations cancelling their scheme; those schemes were at somewhat of a crossroads. Critique of schemes fall down to three groups which are those that declare that the relationship among or between such schemes and the promotion of loyalty is vague; those that debate that organisations are not creating correct or proper use of data; and those that debate that the incentive structure in loyalty schemes are unsuitable. However according to (Jenkinson,1995) real brand loyalty is as a result of the emotional bond established by dialogue, trust , sense of value and ease of use, added satisfaction and frequency. Loyalty is the mirror image of the customers psychological and subconscious emotional necessity to trace a frequent source of satisfaction, identity and value. Samuelson and Sandvik, (1997) states that customer loyalty has been theorized as a collaboration of attitude and behaviour. There is a lot as to what makes up loyalty, this starts from repeat purchase to extended relationship (Dick and Basu, 1994). Furthermore (Hallowell, 1996) states that loyalty behaviours consist of relationship extension, enlarged scale or range of relationship, and suggestions. Although there is a positive link between customer loyalty and satisfaction (Soderlund, 1998). Moving on, the rewards or incentives are the basic structure or mechanism for motivating customers to indulge in the scheme. OBrien and Jones(1995) single out the following elements that add to the value of a loyalty scheme: choice of reclamation option( the list of incentives provided), cash value( How greatly the incentive stand for, as a part of spend), aspirational value ( how greatly the customer the incentive); relevance( the degree to which incentives are achievable) and convenience( simplicity of participation in the scheme). Parker and Worthington, (2000) debate that customer loyalty to an incentive scheme or reward scheme is most likely to be influenced by social factor, relative attitude and situational factors. Firstly customer loyalty is possibly influenced by satisfaction that a customer experiences regarding the level of return that they are accepting. Secondly, customer loyalty could be influenced by what is obtainable from other schemes and thirdly behaviour could be affected by other customers, social norms and the media. They continue to debate that the loyalty card that they examined did not pay its customers rightfully, as it was providing lower incentive values on products probably to be saved for. OMalley (1998) expatiates on the level to which many schemes have established customers who have come to anticipate an incentive as part of the regular shopping experience and assign a low value on rewards or incentives. Why Consumers enter into Relationship Marketing According (Sheth and Parvatiyar 1995), the basic axiom of relationship marketing should be or is that consumers like to cut back selection or choices by participating in a current loyalty relationship with marketers. This is a very fascinating and exciting argument and one that has intense suggestions for both the theory and marketing practice if correct. Moreover consumers sometimes go into relationships because it elevates the number of choices open to them. For each purchase decision, numerous options exist. CASE STUDY: HILTON HHONORS History: However Hilton Hotels and Resort from its name is into providing hotel accommodations and Hospitality to its customers which makes it a very good example, it is a worldwide company that has expanded vastly in every sector including its relationship marketing in order to retain customers through its Hilton HHonors loyalty scheme. Moreover this Hotel was founded by Conrad N. Hilton who opened the first Hilton hotel in Texas in 1925. Presently Hilton is one of the reputable hotel brands in the world. The hotel today is owned by Hilton Worldwide; they are managed, franchised or owned by several independent operators by Hilton Worldwide. Currently there are over 500 Hilton hotels brands in the world (Hilton Worldwide, 2012). Over the years Hilton has created brands; today they have about ten brands in over 78 countries in the world. In 2009 Hilton was formerly known as Hilton Hotel Corporations but changed its name and Logo to Hilton World then moved their headquarters in Beverly Hills to Mc Virginia. (Hilton Worldwide, 2012). Hilton HHonors: Marketing is grown from a centre point on the single transaction to developing or becoming increasingly apprehensive with the growth and support of equally satisfying long term relationships with customers. The success story of charity organizations, Tesco, banks, Hotels and others exploiting loyalty schemes is driving companies to take careful note. The most productive relationship marketing campaign makes room for viable benefits and promotes long term relationship with customers which are difficult to replicate (Gilbert, 1996). However, looking at the value proposition of the Hilton organisation, they try to establish loyalty among their customers by striving to delight them and expecting their changing aspiration while making sure that team members, who are important contributors to attaining this objective, are satisfied as well (Huckestein and Duboff, 1999). From this proposition it is obvious that the essential elements of product leadership and customer relationship must be attained. For the Hilton organisation the value and importance of the customer relationship has been elevated via its Hilton HHonors Loyalty programme. Hilton HHonors Benefits: It allows customers to earn both miles and points for a holiday at about 3,750 Hilton hotel brands worldwide and airline miles with partners of over 50 airlines. They provide numerous exclusive ways to accumulate points. Firstly a customer can earn them through hotel stays or with participatory credit cards; or a customer can deliberate on purchasing them if he or she feels shy of the trip to the Caribbean. One can also transfer them to their family who happens to be a member as well. The hotel also provides room to donate extra points to numerous charitable organizations. This loyalty program allows a customer to join free by registering online or offline to get a list of services and benefits that assist with directing a customers travel and rewarding the customers for their loyalty and offering customers with the undivided attention they deserve (Hilton HHonors, 2012). Loyalty Programme Classification: Hilton HHonor can be classified under the type 3 programs, it awards points to members according to their previous purchase or past purchases. This type 3 program needs a complete database that can trace a members purchase history and points. Some type 3 program persuades customers to escalate their purchases or reward substantial purchasers by creating program tiers. Hilton HHonors program provides tiers where substantial or heavy users can without difficulty build up free hotel rooms or can reserve a room on a basis that is unrestricted (Berma,2006). There are other organizations that use the type 3 program and they include Hotels like (Hyatt, Marriott rewards,) Airlines like (American Advantage) Credit card companies like (Discover card: The Mile Card, Citibank Premier Pass Elite,). Lots of type 3 programs include the partnerships of complimentary marketers like airline, car rental and hotel chains etc to enable a members gathering of points and to escalate the category of rewards options (Berma, 2006). HiltonHHonors are in partnership with airline and car rental services to facilitate the gathering of points. (Hilton HHonors, 2012) However, the company has four membership levels which include the Blue, Silver VIP, Gold VIP and Diamond VIP. Its calculated according to the number of stays in a 12 month period. It starts from no smallest amount for the Blue membership to 60 nights in a calendar year for the Diamond VIP membership. Moreover each category of membership has its own exclusive benefit which is: the Silver, Gold and Diamond VIP members are qualified for health club access while the Gold and diamond VIP members are qualified for accommodation upgrades and Only the Diamond VIP members can be assured reservations with their points with no collapsed or blackout dates. (Berma, 2006), Hilton HHonors Credit card: Hilton is known to also have co branded cards and the term co branding may simply mean the use of two or more brand names in marketing activates. This happens with the juxtaposition of brand names by labelling them side by side on a product (Blackett, 1999). Moreover Hilton has a number of co branded cards with financial companies in specific locations like Hilton HHonors cards from American Express, Citibank in the U.S, Platinum Visa card in the UK, Credit card in Germany, Visa card from Sunitomo Mitsui card co. Ltd in Japan etc. However this co branded cards allows customers earn bonus points from everyday purchases like groceries, gas, eating out etc. Customers can claim or redeem these points for flights, free hotel nights or merchandise. (Hilton HHonors, 2012). In further light, According to (McCleary and Weaver, 1991) they claim that Hotel and restaurant loyalty program were inspired by the success of airlines that give customers benefit for repeat purchase. However, these Programs look to improve the customers membership in an exclusive club with rewards from this membership such as gifts, free hotel accommodations etc. For the organisation or company the main aim is to compliment customers for their patronage and make it obvious that the company is very much interested in establishing and sustaining long term relationship with them. Hilton HHonors E- presence: Hilton HHonors has an e-presence ( The value of customer relationship has also been escalated through its loyalty program website. Via this website customers can sign up or register for rewards, hotel reservations, room preferences and so on. The characteristics of the Hilton Honors web site portray product leadership (Hilton HHonors, 2012). This site creates opportunity for interactivity between its members and the scheme in order to encourage brand and customer relationships plus customer data is also being collected and stored for future purposes for direct marketing via emails, Customized emails are sent based on a customers preferences. From the perspective of relationship, it lets customers retrieve their information and statements on the scheme. From the perspective of the brand, the brand web is duplicated and improves in the virtual world (Rowley, 2005). ANALYSIS EMPLOYING (WINER, 2001) CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MODEL Winer, Russell (2001) elaborated on the Customer Relationship Management process Model below; Figure 1.1 (Winer, 2001) Create a Database: Involves construction of customer information file which is the bedrock of customer relationship management. The database ideally should contain Customer transactions (Hotel Reservations), Contacts, explanatory information and rely to marketing incentives over time. However according to (Winer, 2001) Customer interaction quadrant, Hilton should be classified under the High-indirect box (Figure 1.2) Figure 1.2 (Winer, 2001) Customer Interactions Direct Indirect Banks Telecom Retail Airlines Packaged Goods Hotels Drugs Personal computers Internet Infrastructure Furniture Autos High Interaction Frequency Low Meaning they have to work harder to establish an Information file unlike the High -direct box which has quick and easy access to customer database E.g. Tesco. Hilton Database is also collected online up registration for the HHonors program. Analysis: Involves the analysis of established customer data with the aim of segmenting the customers by grouping those with the same behavioural pattern. This is then used to create several product offerings via direct marketing. Hilton does target the most valuable prospects for catalogue mailing and customizes the catalogues to several groups. Customer Selection: having established and analyzed the customer database information, the next step is to deliberate on which Customer group to target with marketing programs. The customers with most preferred segment (Highest purchasing rate) would be chosen first for retention programs followed by other segments. However Hilton applies this before embarking on marketing programs to encourage retention and customer acquisition. This is evident in their four membership levels. Customer Targeting: There are several ways of targeting customers after selection; they involve direct marketing techniques including telemarketing, direct mail and direct sales. This enables a company interact with customers rather than talk at them via television or radio. Hilton mainly invests time and money into telemarketing (Customer service) and direct mails in order to reach a desired audience. However today they seek permission from customers before sending mails. Relationship programs: these are techniques for executing Customer relationship marketing, the aim of this is to provide a higher level of satisfaction to customers than competing firms do. More over research has proven that there is a clear-cut positive relationship between profits and customer satisfaction (Winer, 2001). Mangers need to weight satisfaction levels by delivering performance ahead of customer expectation. Loyalty programs include frequency/Loyalty programs, Rewards programs, Customer service and Community Building. Hilton has taken the frequency/Loyalty program and Customer service as its Relationship Method which has worked to improve profitability. The Hilton HHonors as stated above provides rewards for repeat purchase. Privacy Issues: This extends through the CRM Model (Figure 1.1), Hilton uses database to provide service customers request and as a global brand they share this database with other Hilton worldwide brands to ensure same level of service. Hilton makes sure that personal information are handled according to the law. Usernames and passwords are however created for customers personal use. Metrics: This is the traditional ways managers employ in measuring the success of their product and service. Market Metrix uses Loyalty program effectiveness. It identifies the percentage of customers who affirm that their loyalty membership was the primary reason for picking the hotel. Market Metrix,( 2012) identified that Hilton hotel in 2009 had 34.6%, 2010 had 35.8% and in 2011 had 39.2% showing an increase in profitability. DRAW BACKS There are potential draw back in loyalty schemes, they are expensive, difficult to correct mistakes as the company may be seen by customers as taking away. Benefits; however there is the question whether the scheme actually works to escalate loyalty or spending behaviour plus it is also kind of difficult to have competitive advantage. (Winer, 2001) RECOMMENDATIONS These Loyalty schemes can be successful by elevating customers switching cost and building entry barriers. For the Hotel industry it has become a competitive necessity to create loyalty programs so incentives could also be encouraged for repeat visits to websites even though this has not been greatly successful. CONCLUSION This paper has reviewed some past literature on loyalty schemes along with some scepticism from a few scholars. The idea of the loyalty scheme is growing and becoming more refined each day. Hilton Hotel has created brand web through their loyalty scheme which has be expatiated above (Hilton HHonors) plus they have an E-presence. From the consumer relationship, those that the hotel refers to as most valued customers have considerably escalated their spending at the hotel. This increased or escalated spending is no doubt as a result of the customers envisioning an escalated value in their relationship with the hotel.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Free Awakening Essays: An Analysis of The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays
An Analysis of The Awakening   The first thing I would like to do is go through and pick out the chapters I found to be significant in the novel. Chapter 1: *there is symbolism of a well trained â€Å"caged†bird, (like we read in the hypertext) which represents what wives were to be in Edna’s lifetime *well trained *speaks of pleasantries *begins with Summer a time of beauty, fullness and fruition *Grand Isle *vacation from New Orleans life (imprisonment) *ends at Summer after 1 yr *this vacation follows Edna back to New Orleans where she gradually begins to see how trapped she really is *it is after this vacation that Edna begins to â€Å"awake†Chapter 2: *Edna was from Kentucky and married a Creole *this is a conflict in religion *she is Presbetyrian and he’s Catholic *this presents a problem for Edna for she has to live a Catholic life style Chapter 3: *we first see here the marital problems that M&M Pontellier have *the ideals of what Mr. Pontellier expects of Edna *looking after the children was very important *marital state: bored, unlively, becomes more depressing on her *impt: Edna’ s breakdown, her crying Chapter 4: *Adele, the perfect woman *embodies all the qualities of what a woman-mother should be *she’s been married 7 yrs and has a child about every 2 yrs, again fullfilling her womanly and motherly duties. *her identity seems to be consumed by having children and her current â€Å"state†Chapter 7: *this chapter we see Edna begin to slip away, she doesn’t pay as much attention to things *daydreaming/ Adele asks her a question and Edna is not with her Chapter 10: *Edna learns to SWIM!!!!!!! very impt. *she gains control of her body *the sea becomes her friend, close, intimate, sensuous Chapter 11: *this section we see a bit of Edna’s rebellious nature *her husband commands her and Edna says â€Å"NO!†Chapter 17: *we see yet another confrontation between M&M Pontellier, more marital problems *I think we also begin to see ore hatred and violence under the surface of her husband *we also see another problem, Tuesday was to be the â€Å"calling†day and Edna wasn’t prepared for the callers, she realizes that she no longer cares to do the things that her husband wants her to Chapter 24: *Edna’s father comes for a visit *he also portrays that the females should submit to the males *males are dominant?
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Othello :: essays research papers
Othello. Othello is the title of the character and play that we all studied earlier this semester. However, it is Othello the character that I intend to discuss. Othello is the husband to the beautiful and innocent Desdemona, whom he murders because the villainous and honest Iago has misled him. A Moorish general in Venice, a society plagued with racism and where adultery is neither condemned nor approved of, Othello is in the midst of a society that will hinder and not support his progress. The central theme of the drama is the alteration of a noble lover to a raving killer, under the influence of the deliberate connivance of his aide, Iago, who convinces him that his wife is having a love affair with another officer named Cassio. Unable to trust the falsely corrupted Desdemona - he lacks the essential element of love and it is this absence of trust that causes Othello to disintegrate morally. This destructiveness extends to his own suicide, when his error of judging Desdemona to be an adulteress fails him. Our closely woven relationship with this traumatised and gullible Othello causes us to suffer with him, as he experiences emotional agonies, such as the destruction of his once reputable nobility, character and marriage to the young Desdemona. Through Act II, Scene I, Othello presents himself to us as a grandly positive and content character, "It gives me wonder great as my content To see you here before me. O my soul's joy!" (Act II, Scene II). At this stage in the play Othello has also assembled his character to impose on us an impression, that he is a noble and prominent figure in the Venetian establishment, and respected military man and a loving husband. He carries himself with an impressive dignity while frankly delighting in his young wife's unconditional love, which he values above the "seas worth", (Act II, Scene I). When the couple defend their marriage against the prejudiced Brabantio, father to Desdemona, who associates Othello with witchcraft, (because Othello is black), in Act I, Scene III, it becomes evident that the couple share an unconditional love for one another. However, in the second half of the play Othello abandons this perfect love, for a blind and unfounded jealousy too strong to act in a just manner. He loses all faith not only in Desdemona, but especially himself, "That's he that was Othello; Here I am.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Abuse on Reality TV Essay
An incident of child abuse occurs every ten seconds, and more than five children die every day as a result. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of four. Reports have kept a steady growth rate for the past ten years, with the total number of reports nationwide increasing 45% since 1987. Since 1985, the rate of child abuse fatalities has increased by nearly 40%. These statistics were taken from a National Abuse Statistics survey. ​ CAPTION: Taken from a study on child abuse by, this graph represents the number of child deaths per day due to child abuse and neglect. As shown, the number has significantly increased, and is still continuing to increase. ​Many cases of child abuse have been recorded, and in many of those cases, innocent children have died. This is a growing problem and it continues to get worse. ​Most everyone is familiar with the various types of abuse such as neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, and medical neglect. Sadly, there is a new type of child abuse added to the list, the exploitation of young children and their privacy on reality television. ​According to, children must be recognized as child actors if they are to be used in reality shows or any other type of TV production. This is not the case today. Basically, having these children on television without any pay is child labor, and they should legally be pro tected by child labor laws. The sad fact is TV producers are not employing these minors and are ignoring these child labor laws. ​They’re getting away with this crime because the children are considered as â€Å"participants†, like someone in a documentary. Due to this classification, it is excused from federal and state child labor laws as the children’s activities are being recorded on camera, opposed to the performance of a role. The children are not classified as hired employees, and do not earn a wage. They also do not get benefits that they would receive if they were to be called a â€Å"child actor.†Therefore, the child labor laws are being ignored and these minors are not being employed. ​In 2007, the series, Kid Nation, abandoned 40 kids, ages 8 to 15, in a fake Old Western town. While viewers watched in agony, these kids spent their days literally left alone. A little girl burnt herself on a stove. These children were neglected for goodness sake. Complaints were made and authorities investigated. Not only is this against the law, but it is taking away children’s rights to privacy and, most importantly, their childhood. In a recently aired TLC reality show Dance Moms, children were yelled at and belittled in front of the camera, and thousands of viewers. Andy Dehnart describes his experience with the show in an article. He wrote, â€Å"During season 1 finale, Mackenzie, 7, started crying while rehearsing for a music video and ran out of the room, ponytail bouncing over her hot pink sports bra. She found her mother in a back room and ran toward her. â€Å"Please don’t make me go!†As she hugged her mother, Melissa, Mackenzie’s head was turned, and her eyes made contact with the camera, staring right at us. She pulled away, her face a mess of sadness and anger, and pointed accusatorily at the camera and its operator’s instructiveness.†It was extremely evident that this was televised child abuse. This is not the kind of abuse that consists of making a child do something that they don’t want to do in that particular second, but abuse that broadcasts moments of a little naive child’s life that should never be shown to the public. CAPTION: This picture, taken from an article written by Nichelle Strzepe, shows a young girl crying to her mom after her teacher has just finished yelling at her and giving her negative feed back. From a recently conducted interview with Kara Acosta, a young girl with experience in the dancing agency, she stated that, â€Å"The teachers on that show are way too strict. It would be difficult for a grown parent to deal with that type of teaching let alone a young child. Plus their way of teaching is not effective. The kids in my dance class learned best by positive reinforcement.†In the article by Sherry Rickmeier, Katherine Heigl states that she â€Å"watched with open-mouthed amazement as girls as young as seven were encouraged to dress provocatively and shimmy around a stage doing a dance performance that could just as easily been a burlesque routine.†Not only does she comment on the disturbing sexual aspect of the show but also comments that, â€Å"I was also horrified by the way their instructor spoke to them when she felt they weren’t up to snuff. It was demeaning, belittling, and downright unkind. There is no reason to break anyone down in order to prepare them for inevitable disappointment or unkindness. Especially not a child’s.†There is a clearly defined line between giving helpful criticism and yelling nasty things at children telling them they are â€Å"dumb†, and â€Å"stupid†. It is highly degrading and pure verbal and emotional abuse. Society as a whole is implying to our children that this is ok. The fact is, its not. ​This brings us to the television series Toddlers and Tiaras. ​ The show Toddlers and Tiaras began three years ago, and has since drawn in more viewers. In this series, little four year old girls parade around in flashy dresses; wear fake eyelashes, fake teeth, and globs of makeup. Not only is this taking away their innocence, but it’s submitting them to child pornography. Girl’s outfits include those of sex idols such as Daisy Duke, Dolly Parton, and a prostitute from Pretty Woman. CAPTION: This picture, taken by a college student from a blog on why child beauty pageants are hazardous to children’s health, shows a seven year old who has the face of a twenty year old woman, and is showing off her body to win more points from the judges. An interview conducted with a high school teacher and role model, Mrs. Gorenstein, was recently conducted to show the view of adults on this subject. When asked what she thought the message of the show Toddlers and Tiaras was, she replied saying, â€Å"This show sends the message that kids can get what they want by being bratty, looking pretty and flaunting around their looks.†She also said, â€Å"These shows are pushing a very fine line between showing child abuse and providing entertainment. I would say these shows should be taken of the air, but I worry what they’ll replace it with.†A high school student, Delaney McGinn said, â€Å"These shows are dumb, pointless, and a waste of money. It is showing kids that it’s ok to be extremely fake; in fact it’s teaching them how to do it. These parents are selfish and aren’t letting their children be themselves. Children learn the most in their first couple of years, and all these kids are going to learn is how to be snotty and how to throw a fit when you don’t get what you want. †​These children run around looking like miniaturized twenty year olds. The parents of these kids would do anything to have their child win, including hair extensions, caked on makeup, fake eyelashes, spray on tans, fake teeth, and extremely revealing clothing. The want of girls to be happy with natural beauty is punted out the door when it comes to this show. There is absolutely nothing natural about these young children. They look like Barbie dolls. CAPTION: This picture is taken from an article written by Dabney B. about why this show is so messed up. This picture shows how fake these little girls are made. They are sexualized, and are freely shown off to the dangers of the world, just for a couple bucks. This little girl looks like a porcelain doll, not a cute natural little girl. ​There have also been cases of parents â€Å"doping†up their children to make them perform better. A pageant mother claims she prepares her daughter by giving her an unidentified juice drink, â€Å"pageant crack†or â€Å"go-go juice†. No one knew what was in the concoction, and some people were led to believe it had a small amount of alcohol in it along with extremely caffeinated soda drinks. According to the article â€Å"Are Toddlers and Tiaras mothers DOPING their daughters?†by Sadie Whitelocks, the mother, Mrs. Holler, told her daughter to take â€Å"two big gulps†of the drink from an unlabeled drinks bottle. In a couple of seconds the change in the young child was wildly apparent. Moments after having her â€Å"special drink†the young girl started doing stomach spins on the floor. ​Defining the exploitation of children’s privacy on TV, such as these, as child abuse is a bit complicated. But after looking at all of the evidence, it will be extremely difficult for people to say that it is adequate for this to continue. You’d think after all the child abuse cases related to rape and sexual abuse, one like the John Benet Ramsey case, people would want to end the use of reality TV shows that illustrate these young girls in a sexual way, but these shows continue to play on televisions all throughout the country. ​
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Change of Plans
Joey Hildreth Dr. Weston Composition 1 September 12, 2012 A Change of Plans Making a plan to do something is a normal occurrence in human life. People make plans to go see a movie, to go out to dinner, and to hang out with their friends all on a regular basis. Sometimes life can send unexpected events that can change those plans. I am sure this has happened to everyone at least once where things didn’t go exactly the way they had planned. To this day I would consider myself a good driver; however, I recall a driving experience where things did not go quite the way I had planned.I had made plans to go to Cedar Point with a friend, and we were going to meet up with someone we had met the last time we were at Cedar Point. My friend and I had both bought season passes in early June. It was the first summer that I had a car and we figured we could drive to Cedar Point once a month until it closed for the year. We had gone once with my friend’s family in late June, and anothe r time with my parents in late July. In early August we decided that we needed to make another trip up before school started and we would have a schedule to work around.Since there had been no more family trips planned, we were determined to make the drive by ourselves. I must have begged my mom to let me drive without parental supervision at least a thousand times. Only after I had promised her I would be careful, responsible, and follow the speed limit that she even considered it. After that it took many more pleads before she finally gave in. I still remember our conversation when she finally told me we would be allowed to make the trip. â€Å"Fine, but if you want to go you need to have Taylor text me every half hour so I know that you guys are still alright, and you have to call me as soon as you get there.While you’re at Cedar Point, you’ll text me every 2 hours to check in,†she said. â€Å"Alright Mom,†I replied as I hid excitement piling up insi de me. â€Å"I’m not finished yet,†she said and paused for me to pay attention â€Å"and you will leave no later than nine O’clock. If you don’t call or text, you better believe after you get home you won’t have a car either. †Saturday morning I left my house and headed over to Taylor’s to pick him up. It was no surprise to me that I had to wait for him to finish getting ready when I arrived.After the usual groans of â€Å"Come on†and â€Å"You’re a guy, you don’t need make-up, let’s go†we were finally ready to leave. We loaded our things into the car and got ready to take off. I popped in a CD I had burned that consisted of songs I knew well. I pulled out the driveway and drove off down the road; both windows down and the stereo blaring. We were nearing the halfway point when life decided to throw in an unexpected event. I was driving down a country road going 55 when I saw a groundhog crossing the street. He was near the middle of the road when I saw him and I didn’t know what to do.This was no ordinary groundhog, this groundhog was the sizeHe started to run towards the left side of the road, and then he turned around and darted back to my side. I slammed the brakes and swerved to the right. Just before my tires hit the gravel on the side of the road, I felt a slight a bump and heard a deep thud. As I realized I was going to go off-road I quickly turned the wheel to the left to try to correct myself. When I did this, my car fishtailed and threw itself into the ditch. â€Å"Oh my god! Are you alright Tay? †I asked. â€Å"Uh, yeah,†he responded with wide eyes.We both got out of the car to see what the damage was. At first everything seemed fine other than a small crack in my front bumper; until Tay pointed out that I had a flat tire. I called my mom to tell her what happened, and she was not a happy camper. I did not have a spare tire so she told me t hat she would call the American Automobile Association (AAA). Shortly after she called me back and said a tow truck was on the way. Once he arrived he loaded the car onto the tow truck, and I had quite the story to tell him about how life had thrown a change of plans to me.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Impact of Economic Factors on Engagement with Pro-Environmental Measures
THE ENVIRONMENT Introduction: On most occasions, conservationist, and authorities bureaus tell us on the benefits of conserving the environment. This is because the universe is witnessing a series of environmental devastations, which range from devastation of woods, pollution of rivers, lakes and air. People argue that it is of import to continue the environment because they play a large function in prolonging the lives of persons. For illustrations, trees help in the formation of rainfall, which is an indispensable demand for agribusiness to last. Forests are natural home grounds of animate beings, and on this footing, destructing woods, will intend the devastation of wild animate beings. This in bend will interrupt the environmental eco-system ( Brooks, 2010 ) . Despite the importance of conserving the environment, most people still prosecute in its devastation. The grounds advanced for their engagement in destructing the environment are, poorness, population growing, and hunt of income. This paper identifies the grounds as to why people still prosecute in the devastation of the environment, despite the of import function that the environment plays in our society. Search for beginnings of income/ gross: Search for beginnings of gross and income is one of the major factors that lead to the devastation of the environment. Take for illustration oil geographic expedition and excavation is a factor that makes people to destruct the environment ( Tisdell, 2005 ) . Oil is an of import natural resource that all most all the economic systems of the universe demand. Oil is needed to drive the transit industry, which is indispensable for the growing of a country’s economic system ( Leydesdorff, 2007 ) . Oil plays a large function in using 1000000s of people all over the universe, and states such as Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, Libya, etc depend on oil production to prolong their economic systems. This is because oil is the major beginning of foreign gross for these states ( Tachibana, 2000 ) . It is of import to denote that oil geographic expedition and excavation play a great function in the devastation of the environment. Oil has the capableness of destructing the lives of animate beings, and human existences. Take for case the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill which was responsible for leaking about 60,000 barrels of oil into the ocean ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . This had an effecting of killing sea animate beings, which included mahimahis, sea polo-necks, giants, etc. This oil spill was chiefly caused because of oil geographic expedition by BP Oil Company. The ground of these geographic expeditions was to mine oil, for commercial intents. Petroleum companies are besides accused of dumping toxic oil wastes on nearby rivers and Waterss. This has a cause of fouling the environment, and destructing the lives of Marine animate beings populating in these H2O systems ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . Petroleum companies are commercial companies, whose chief purpose is to sale oil merchandises for intents of doing net incomes, and grosss. Income net incomes and gross is non merely restricted to oil geographic expedition, but besides to the devastation of woods, and killing of wild animate beings. For illustration, people cut down trees for intents of acquiring wood. Wood is used to do lumber, a resource that is used to fabricate chairs, and edifice of houses ( Colson, 2011 ) . These are for commercial intents. The violent death of wild animate beings is besides carried out for intents of doing gaining an income, and due to poverty. For illustration, poachers normally kill elephants and rhinos for their ivories, and horns. Elephant Ivories are ever sold in Asia, and are used as beauty merchandises, and for intents of doing medical specialty. The same happens to the horns that poachers get from rhinos. Population Growth: Population growing is besides another factor that deters the preservation of the environment ( Newing, 2010 ) . Because of population growing, world has been forced to look for other topographic points of abode ( Likar, 2011 ) . This will do them to unclutter and destruct woods, as a consequence taking to the devastation of trees, and break of the eco-system. As celebrated earlier, woods are home grounds of wild animate beings, and birds. Destroying woods will take to the decease of some of these animate beings, because they may non happen other home grounds. The devastation of woods is non the lone negative environmental harm that population growing causes. Due to the high figure of people, there is the overconsumption of natural resources such as H2O, oil, nutrient, and even land ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . This consequences to doing these resources scarce. Scarcity of these environmental resources might take to unhealthy competition amongst people, in order to entree the resources under consideration. Peoples besides emit waste merchandises, because of their ingestion activities. This includes H2O, and air pollutants, toxic waste stuff, extra foods, and green house gases. Waste substances such as untreated sewerage may take to the devastation of an individual’s wellness. Other waste merchandises, such as inordinate N have an impact of doing the blooming of algals, in H2O supplies. This will take to the depletion of O, taking to the decease of marine animate beings such as fish ( Calhoun, 2005 ) . To protect the environment by restricting the growing of the environment, states such as China have adopted the one kid policy. This is whereby all twosomes are forced to bear to give birth to merely one kid. India besides has such sort of a policy, and the chief purpose of presenting these types of policy is to cut down the population growing of persons(Environmental issues. 2010 ). There has besides been some unreal method of commanding population growing, and this includes the usage of household planning methods ( Chancellor, 2009 ) . As a method of commanding the population growing in their states, authorities normally promote the usage of household planning methods. Poverty: Poverty is besides another factor that makes people to destruct the environment. In most states of the universe, specifically in the development states, there is the devastation of croping lands, dirt and woods because of over graze. These methods are ever efficient in commanding the population of a province, and therefore protecting an environment. As the growing rate of poorness additions, people destroy the environment faster, and more rapidly. The people over use the environment, such as dirt, land and woods, because they do non hold other beginnings of income, except by utilizing the natural resources under their range ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . It is of import to denote that because of poorness, the hapless will utilize the natural resources under their range for intents of fulfilling their footing demands. This will include fetching and utilizing firewood to cook, overdriving land for agricultural production, and usage of wild workss and H2O for medical specialty ( Canava ri and Food, 2002 ) . Poor people lack good and better instruction which can assist them to procure good occupations and beginnings of income. On this footing, they lack the quality of life that can do them to utilize electricity for cookery intents, or for other sectors of their domestic life ( Michna, 2010 ) . Electricity can assist in restricting the firewood concern that these people engage in. This is because persons will non depend on firewood as their beginnings of energy. To undertake poorness, the assorted authoritiess need to ordain policies aimed making employment, and bettering the instruction system of a province. The authorities can promote the usage of their trade accomplishments in assisting the hapless to gain income ( Hambler, 2004 ) . But this should happen in a mode that is suited for the saving of the environment. To cover with poorness, policies from the authorities are non sufficient. The authorities needs to spouse with private establishments and non-governmental organisations for intents of promoting them to educate people on the assorted ways of undertaking poorness ( Takeuchi, 2006 ) . This will be effectual because non-governmental organisations usually have an entree to the people, because of their grass root connexions. The hapless can be educated on the importance of continuing the environment ( Graetz, 2011 ) . This will do the hapless to hold knowledge on the benefits of the environment, doing them to utilize the natural resources under their range in a sustainable method. Decision: In decision, poorness, hunt for income, and population growing are some of the factors that encourage people non to prosecute in pro-environmental steps. As discussed in this paper, due to poverty, people will seek to unsuitably utilize the environment for intents of prolonging themselves. This includes film editing of woods for intents of acquiring lumber, over-using the land resource under their ownership, for agricultural intents, and over-grazing. However, with the usage of appropriate authorities policy, it is possible to cut down the degrees of poorness within a province. Search for income is another ground for depletion of the environment, and this usually takes the signifier of geographic expeditions and excavation. This is a really hard issue to work out, because authoritiess are ever in a quandary. That is, whether to halt the geographic expeditions or whether to go on with the geographic expeditions. Stoping the geographic expedition will intend losing a beginning of gross, while go oning with the geographic expedition will intend destructing the environment. Population growing on the other manus is easy to work out. All that a province demands to make is to make a policy restricting the figure of kids an person can give birth to. Mentions: Brooks, J. S. ( 2010 ) . Economic And Social Dimensions Of Environmental Behavior: Reconciliation Conservation And Development In Bhutan.Conservation Biology,24( 6 ) , 1499-1509. Calhoun, Y. ( 2005 ) .Conservation. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers. Canavari, M. , & A ; Food, A. ( 2002 ) .Economic surveies on nutrient, agribusiness and the environment: Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, Bologna, Italy, June 12- 14, 2001. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic/Plenum. Chancellor, D. ( 2009 ) .Food waste. London: Wayland. Colson, M. ( 2011 ) .The environment. Chicago, Ill. : Raintree. Environmental issues. ( 2010 ) . New Delhi: IFA Publications. Graetz, M. J. ( 2011 ) .The terminal of energy the unmaking of America ‘s environment, security, and independency. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press. Hambler, C. ( 2004 ) .Conservation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Harper, C. L. , & A ; Fletcher, T. H. ( 2011 ) .Environment and society: human positions on environmental issues( Canadian ed. ) . Toronto: Pearson Canada. Imanaka, T. ( 1997 ) . Global environment. How protect and surrogate? Interaction between environment and being. Both environment and organisms support on changing.. Kagaku to Seibutsu,35( 3 ) , 178-181. Leydesdorff, L. ( 2007 ) . Environment and Planing B: Planning and Design as a diary: the interdisciplinarity of its environment and the commendation impact.Environment and Planning Bacillus: Planning and Design,34( 5 ) , 826-838. Likar, L. E. ( 2011 ) .Eco-warriors, nihilistic terrorists, and the environment. Santa Barbara, Caliph: Praeger. Michna, J. ( 2010 ) .Risk direction on energy and enviromental preservation in CCE states. New York: Heinmman. Newing, H. ( 2010 ) . Interdisciplinary preparation in environmental preservation: definitions, advancement and future waies.Environmental Conservation,37( 04 ) , 410-418. Tachibana, H. ( 2000 ) . Engineering chance for environment in 2000. Prospect of sound environment. Technological reappraisal of sound environment..Journal of Environmental Conservation Engineering,29( 2 ) , 149-156. Takeuchi, K. ( 2006 ) . Hydrology uniting planetary environment and human environment. Proceedings of the Symposium on Global Environment,14, 307-307. Tisdell, C. A. ( 2005 ) .Economicss of environmental preservation( 2nd ed. ) . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub..
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